14. Join a gym or a yoga studio

14. Join a gym or a yoga studio

11. Sign up for art classes

It won’t be long until you learn that signing up for various classes is one of the best tips on how to make friends when you move to a new city. What makes this advice great is the absolute freedom you have when it comes to choosing what type of class or classes to attend.

Many experts advise that new city comers should stick to art classes where most people have a stronger need to express themselves and are more open to new friendships. Painting, photography, craft classes, creative writing, improv, martial arts or why not ikebana – the sky’s the limit, really. Dancing classes are also preferred by people who have just moved to an unfamiliar place.

12. Take up photography

Photography is a fantastic hobby to help you meet new people in new cities without too much effort from you. Continue Reading 14. Join a gym or a yoga studio