Ceramic gas heater for country houses

Until recently, the most popular were oil radiators, however, their disadvantage has been the high usage of power. The obsolete models have been replaced by ceramic heaters, powered by gasoline and electricity. These components are somewhat more economical concerning energy consumption. Ceramic replacements for dacha are becoming quite popular, letting you rapidly heat the space on the coming of the owners. The gap of devices based on the method of placement

As an example, ceramic heaters are produced in several types, differing in the way they are placed. Let us find out exactly what they are.
Wall versions

It’s enough to hang on the ceramic board on any free area of the wall, and it is ready to work. Since warm air constantly tends upwards, it is far better to hang the panels at the base of the wallsocket. Wall heaters are made in a variety of sizes, thicknesses and shapes. The design of some expensive devices with digital control appears like an air conditioner samodomik.ru.

The size and power of this unit is selected based on the region of the heated room. In huge rooms, hang several panels on the walls. If the drains in the countryside are necessary for constant operation, subsequently give preference to models using a built-in thermostat or put in a regulating device individually.

Flooring versions

Ceramic floor-mounted heaters are very easy to transfer. The mobility lets you rapidly transfer the device to some room and heat it. Floors heaters are equipped with a casual tipping protection system. In case the device has been pushed by children or it dropped for another reason, the automation will likely switch off the power.

Models equipped with a special rotating base are extremely convenient to use. This system permits you to heat the air not in 1 direction, but during the room around its axis.

Table models

For extra heating of a small room, there are weathered ceramic heaters. In design, they are nearly no different from their floor sockets, except that they’re smaller in size. Their appearance looks like an ordinary fan heater. Manufacturers are trying to improve the plan of heaters to boost their practicality. Desktop models are also equipped with a rotation system. This type of device is suitable to put on the table in the office or near the mattress.

Desktop models

Important: The benefit of ceramic heaters will be flame security. All models are equipped with protection against deterioration, and flooring and table-top apparatus are turned off when tipped over.

Art Deco houses

The Art Deco design movement originated in France in the 1920s and quickly became popular far beyond the nation’s boundaries. This design is typified by plenty of colors and textures, unexpected geometric shapes and rich ornamentation. Art Deco presents glamour together with technical progress, all design alternatives are highly susceptible to all sorts of interior innovations.

Features of layout

For the first time they spoke about the Art Deco trend at the start of the last century in France, and by the 20-30’s it had rapidly won a army of fans. In French its name is translated as »decorative art ». This is a very expressive and elegant design, thanks to which a residential inside looks lavish, elegant and wealthy. It’s the kind of atmosphere people needed in the late 30’s, when people were tired of poverty and other impacts of the Great Depression.

In this stylistic direction there is a harmonious mixture of laconic primitivism and pretentious luxury, chrome-plated metal and timber, functionalism and frivolous jazz motifs. The typical example of this style was that the inside decoration of 5-star resorts, commendable restaurants along with a few other trendy places of this period. However, this style was not all affordable, to embody it in clinic could only wealthy people, for ordinary Americans with their small apartments, this layout was not offered. Art Deco is recognizable by the following attributes:

  • Laconic geometry;
  • asymmetry, broken and zigzag lines;
  • utilization of expensive confronting materials;
  • ostentatious pompousness of these decorative components;
  • Abundance of metal and mirrors;
  • the usage of ivory, glass mosaics, vibrant stained glass, expensive crystal, precious wood and luxury tableware;
  • The existence in the interior of skins of wild animals: antelope, tiger or bear;
    Exotic masks 1pokryshe.ru, drums, and statuettes;
  • Abundance of glistening surfaces.

Finishing materials and colors

Such posh interiors require appropriate decoration of the surfaces in the home. For flooring is generally used parquet made of wood. The prevalent finish is black and white tile or natural stone. In contemporary interiors the usage of funding imitations of linoleum or laminate flooring is allowed.

A hundred years ago the ceiling was plastered white and decorated with plaster stucco. Today, Art Deco prefers multi-level constructions of PVC or plasterboard, and the stucco is formed from Styrofoam or polyurethane materials. The installation of stretch ceilings is enabled – in this case they must be painted with photo prints.

For decorating the walls there are lots of intriguing options, most frequently it’s decorative plaster or draped with lace background. In the latter case, the substance is used with prints around the theme of Asian hieroglyphs, African ornaments, geometric prints are widespread. In certain interiors, surfaces are decorated with decorative panels of wood. They ought to be monochrome, painted in subdued colors.

The window openings are embellished with nearly weightless transparent tulle, and at night they are closed with thick heavy draperies.

Furniture and decor

In terms of the furniture, the main principle of the art deco is the maximum seriousness in everything. Rather than smooth lines – sharp, and rather than the widespread in earlier times of plant decorations – geometric and abstract patterns. No interior layout is without using shapes like square, cube, circle and chunk. It is no collision furniture items often replicate the outlines of these forms.

The decoration is necessarily present ethnic motifs. Archeological discoveries of the start of the previous century found their reflection in the creation of the style. Elements of Ancient Egyptian, Roman, Babylonian and Assyrian art, as well as Aztec and Inca ornaments Aren’t uncommon.

Cases of projects

Actually, the interior of a residential house at the Art Deco style unites external pomp, the customs of ancient civilizations with the accomplishments of technological progress. The luxury is located not simply in the use of different finishing substances, but also in the visual affirmation of the wealth, which manifests itself from the rich and bright decorative elements.

All about single-story chalet-style Homes

House in the style of the chalet – an appealing alternative. This house is reminiscent of the familiar Russian dacha. The mixture of stone and wood in the building creates a pleasant look. Additionally, usually such a house is quite warm and hardy.


These dwellings were modest in size, constructed from the most available materials in the mountainous regions – stone and wood.

The modern chalet-style home is a small, but cozy living area

Along with stone and wood, contemporary manufacturers offer other dependable substances. But regardless of what material was used for the building, the major issue is to create a harmonious and comfortable in every sense of the building, suitable for comfortable living.


Approving the project of a home, first of all you need to pay attention to the vital elements in it. Chalet style allows to build a residential building as it is necessary for its owners. Traditionally, the base and ground floor of such buildings are made from stone, along with the top – of wood. This is due to the conditions of mountainous regions and the possible dangers (landslides, stone washout and so on).

The sizes

The area of the houses can be any dimension. The most optimal version is considered an area of construction from 150 to 200 sq.m. The inside design won’t affect the style, but do not forget the chalet – it is spacious, but not a massive house.

One-story houses can be constructed with an attic. And if, after all, the household is large, then the apparatus of the next floor will be a good solution. Over two floors in a dwelling of this type shouldn’t be intended – it’ll be too much to the chalet style.


Car owners have to have a garage. It’s convenient for both storage and parking of any tools.

The garage can be attached into the residential construction or separately.

If the choice fell on the attachment, then you want to take care that its own gate and complete harmoniously with the overall idea of the house.


No matter how much https://1pokirpichu.ru/ time is spent within the building, a terrace is a wonderful way to enjoy the outside once the weather is fine. A patio furnished as a barbecue, for parties with friends and children’s games, will also suit the chalet style. A terrace can be any size, but it is important that the entire building appears harmonious.

At the design stage it is important to ascertain just how many bathrooms, bedrooms and other rooms are needed for a comfortable stay.


Modern manufacturers Provide the following materials for the construction of homes in the chalet design:

  • Wood;
  • brick;
  • timber;;
  • foam blocks;
  • aerated concrete.

Brick and wooden houses are of particular interest. Brick structure is an ideal combination of price and quality, although the addition of wooden components on the facades will produce the ideal design.

The structure will be resistant to all weather conditions: rain, snow, frost, heat, higher humidity, strong gusts of wind. Also, before choosing substances, it’s well worth considering a home built of logs. Logs are perfect for the construction of summer homes. Wood perfectly keeps both warmth and coolness.

The quickest way to construct homes made of foam or aerated concrete. However they have lots of disadvantages, particularly for regions with a challenging climate.

Color palette

Before building a house from the chalet design, it is well worth thinking in what colour to execute its own finishing. Here are a couple tips.

Beautiful illustrations

When contemplating houses within this style, take note of a range of interesting alternatives.

Stylish chalet home made of light wood with a terrace and huge windows.

Dark stone and wood home with different separate entrances and a rear terrace.

Small chalet style summer home made from aerated concrete and brick.

See below for an overview of the chalet style house.