This type of dating didn’t require me to have any game

This type of dating didn’t require me to have any game

So, I really narrowed my search by choosing an age range considerably lower than my own and by clearly stating that I am an atheist. Catholicism is the norm in the Philippines, although there are other Christian denominations and there are Muslims. I also chose only those who do not have children. I think it’s important to have a good talk with yourself before doing this. There would be no point in me attracting middle-aged women with children, when I don’t see any chance of going in that direction.

So I made the profile, I paid a very small amount of money and joined. I was flooded with hundreds of messages. Many were sort of a cut-and-paste thing that I suspect they are sending too many people. You are so handsome or I found your profile very interesting, came up so often that I’m assuming they know what works on simple-minded men. But, there were also many sincere messages of interest and well written messages. Continue Reading This type of dating didn’t require me to have any game