Consistent with Hdos, coeducational school students reported having higher percentages of other-gender friends (p < .001, d = .53) and other-gender close friends (p < .001, d = .26) than single-sex school students. 012, d = .11). There was no main effect of student gender in the percentage of other-gender close friends. Supporting Hcuatro, there was no interaction effect with student gender.
Mixed-intercourse nervousness
Consistent with H3, compared to coeducational school students, single-sex school students reported higher levels of total mixed-gender anxiety, p = .001, d = .15, Fear of Negative Evaluation, p = .004, d = .13, Social Distress in Potential Romantic Relationship, p = .012, d = .11, and Social Distress in Mixed-gender Groups, p < .001, d = .16, even when students' demographic characteristics were controlled for. Continue Reading As well as, women people advertised a higher percentage of most other-gender household members than simply men students (p =