What Androgenic Steroids Can Do To Your Body

Androgenic Steroids In Athletes

What Androgenic Steroids Can Do To Your Body

Androgenic Steroids, or steroids as they commonly know to the public, are a class of compounds that are used for the treatment of benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH), common male pattern baldness, osteoporosis, obesity, liver disease and acne. They have also been shown to effectively treat symptoms related to sexual dysfunction such as impotence, erectile dysfunction and decreased libido. Androgens are hormones that can be naturally produced by both the male and female reproductive systems. Androgens are also known to trigger the onset of aging. While testosterone is the primary male sex hormone, estrogen, the primary female sex hormone, plays an important role in maintaining normal female reproduction and development, as well as in preventing many age-related diseases. As a result, the use of steroids has been extensively used as an anti-aging therapy.

Athletes have been using androgenic steroids as a method to increase physical endurance, strength and muscle size without the possible side effects of these drugs. But the increased performance could only be possible if the user would minimize androgenic steroids intake. It is impossible to fully control the hormones that are present in our bodies. The body’s natural production of androgens is however limited. Androgenic steroids, therefore, could help us to exceed the natural level and produce more desirable effects.

Some negative side effects of androgenic steroids were reported by professional athletes who have used them in the past. These included sudden increase in blood pressure and heart rate, increase in appetite, hair loss, increase in breast size and body hair, and worst, a serious increase in the risk of developing prostate cancer. One popular brand that was used for BPH treatment is named Synthroid. There have been reports of increasing number of cases of heart failure, liver cancer and high blood pressure among users of androgenic steroids. These risks however, can be avoided by carefully choosing the right kind of androgenic steroid for our body.

Another serious side effect of androgens is the possibility of certain types of cancers. One of the most common cancers that has been reported is the breast cancer. The risks of this cancer are very high among athletes who used androgenic steroids. Men with long-term use of these steroids may develop small breasts that may either go into test e and tren e cycle dosage atrophy or disappear completely. There is also a high chance of developing testicular cancer.

Androgenic steroids increase the risk of developing acromegaly, which is a type of bodybuilder’s face. Acromegaly is characterized by an abnormal formation of the bones in the face, particularly in the neck area. This could lead to serious problems such as disfigured nose, drooping eyelids, thick eyebrows and a cranium that would eventually reach the chest cavity. People who use androgenic steroids are also more at risk of suffering from prostate cancer. Other types of cancers caused by androgens are leukemia and bone cancer in people who have been using steroids for a long period of time.

Aside from these effects, there are also many negative health conditions that may be caused by androgens when they are abused. Chronic liver diseases such as hepatitis are caused by steroid abuse, as are birth defects. It also affects an individual psychologically because anabolic steroids heighten feelings of aggression, violence and power. Because of these negative health consequences, and the large number of athletes who use them, and are still doing so today, androgenic steroids are strictly prohibited under the law. Nevertheless, many athletes continue to use them, and because of their side effects they are still being used.

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